
My thesis, “Writing the Center: Agonistic Aesthetics and Middle-Class Politics in Latin American Literature,” examines a corpus of cultural performances and novels that reflect on how the effects of growth and anti-poverty public policies (Bolsa FamíliaFamilias en Acción and Prospera) comment on questions of economic inclusion and citizenship in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. The thesis elaborates on the dialectic relationship between rhetorical strategies present in literary and cultural manifestations and the economic imagination on development in the region. I propose that these cultural texts reinterpreted a genealogy of economic development, offering a repertoire of meanings and practices for contemporary public policy in which the concept of middle-class is predominant.


Twentieth and twenty-first Century Spanish and Brazilian Literature. Discourses of social mobility, economic development and democracy in contemporary and 20thcentury Latin American literary production, particularly in Colombia and Brazil. 


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

2020   “La tradición contemporánea de los saraus: tres estudios de caso.” Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea.

2019   “Apropiarse de la ciudad: los recursos de la memoria en Guia afetivo da perifería, de Marcus Vinícius Faustini.” Otras Modernidades

2010   “Un Pueblo en vilo.” Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea44. 7-11

2004                “Economía e historia: diferenciación disciplinar y el desarrollo como concepto homogenizante.” Cuadernos de trabajo. 4-42

Book Chapters

2013                “Desgracia y redención: una parábola sobre Sudáfrica.” J.M. Coetzee. Ed. Óscar Godoy Barbosa. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad Central, pp 114-132

Book Reviews

2010                Review of Antología hispánica del cuento beatle. Madridby Mario Cuenca Sandoval (2009). Rio Grande Review36.2. 179-80

In Preparation

forthcoming    “Narrating capitalism, mobilizing the people: Maria Augusta Ramos and the documenting of contemporary Brazil.”

forthcoming    “La casa de vecindad y la genealogía del desarrollo en la obra de Ozorio Lizarazo.”

Invited Editor

2020                “Literatura além do livro.” Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 59, 2020.


Book Chapters, Fiction

2007                “Gasa”. Cuentos de la calle. Antología de cuento colombiano contemporáneo. Varios. Editorial Norma. 33-37

2004                “Gasa”.De 1 a diez. Varios. Instituto Distrital de Cultura y Turismo. 77-83

Fiction in Literary Journals

2017                “La salvaje luz del verano.” Revista Avispero12. 23-31

2006                “Sin el pie de apoyo.” Rio Grande Review28. 26-35


2018                “The rise of the Latin American New Middle Classes in Brazil and Colombia: a Cultural History.” Lecture delivered at CNM-UNM, Latin American Studies Spring Lecture Series. Albuquerque, Abril 18. 


Panels Organized

2019                “Strange Resemblances, Familiar Differences: Hemispheric Trades and Local Democracies in the Cultural Production of Colombia and Brazil.” Latin American Studies Association, Boston, Massachusetts, May 24-27

2018                “Dreams of Development, Realities of Inclusion: Tales and Fables of Democracy in Brazil.” American Portuguese Studies Association, Ann Arbor, MI, October 18-20 

2018                “Rights, Aspiration and Inclusion: The Challenges of Democracy in Brazil.” Brazilian Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 25-28

2018                “Ciudadanías, democracias, aspiraciones: un mapa binacional de la inclusión en Brasil y Colombia.” Congreso Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (IILI), Bogotá, Colombia, June 12-15

2018                “Democracias, derechos y aspiraciones: un mapa cultural de la inclusión en Colombia.” Latin American Studies Association, Barcelona, España, May 23-26

Papers Presented

2019                “Of Streets, Neighborhoods and Peripheries: Political Circumstance and Economic Imagination in ‘Guia afetivo da periferia’ and ‘La cuadra’, by Marcus Vinícius Faustini and Gilmer Mesa.”Latin American Studies Association, Boston, Massachusetts, May 24-27

2019                “Creative Circumstance and Storytelling in Middle-Class Narratives.” Querencias Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 12-13

2019                “Imagination of Growth and the Challenge of aspiration: Two Takes on Social Mobility in Latin America.” Rocky Mountain Council of Latin American Studies, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 3-6

2018                “Performing Inclusion, Historizing Development: The Scene of sarausin Contemporary Brazil.” American Portuguese Studies Association, Ann Arbor, MI, October 18-20

2018                “The shameless memory of the self: the political circumstance of the periphery in Estação Terminal, by Sacolinha.”  XIV Brazilian Studies Association Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 25-28

2018                “Periferia y clase en La cuadra, de Gilmer Mesa: un diálogo de fronteras.” Congreso Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (IILI), Bogotá, Colombia, June 12-15

2018                “Democracias, derechos y aspiraciones: un mapa cultural de la inclusión en Colombia.” Latin American Studies Association, Barcelona, España, May 23-26

2017                “The memory of the wannabe in Guia afetivo da periferiaby Marcus Vinícius Faustini.” IX Annual Cultural Studies Graduate Student Conference: Guilty Pleasures and Confessional Spaces: Storytelling and the Digital Dionysus, Albuquerque, NM, March 31-April 1

2016                The Memory as a Technology of the Self: The Nostalgic Artifact in Guia afetivo da periferia, by Marcus Vinícius Faustini.” X International Conference of the American Portuguese Studies Association, Stanford, CA, October 13-15

2016               “Escolios a un texto explícito: fracturas, ansiedades y fantasías de clase media en Guia afectivo da periferia, de Marcus Vinicius Faustini.” XXXIV International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, NY, May 27-30

2015               “Ciudades invisibles, ciudades posibles: clase, ciudadanía y derechos humanos en Los parientes de Ester de Luis Fayad.” XXXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27-30

2015                “La modernidad trasatlántica: Los parientes de Ester, de Luis Fayad.” VII International Conference on Transatlantic Studies, Providence, RI, April 21-24

2014                “Faceless perpetrators, Omnipresent State: Two Versions of the State of Exception. Los Ejércitos K.” IX International Conference of the American Portuguese Studies Association, Albuquerque, NM, October 23-25

2014                “Escenarios de violencia y derechos humanos en dos novelas colombianas: Los ejércitos y 35 muertos.” XXXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, IL, May 21, 24

2014                “Historias torcidas, derechos humanos. El estado de excepción en dos novelas colombianas: Los ejércitos y 35 muertos.” LAGO Graduate Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, February 5-7

2013                La enseñanza de la escritura creativa.” Semana literaria Universidad Antonio Nariño, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia, March 19 

2012                “Editando en Español desde la frontera.” Convergences: Literary, Linguistic, Culture and Film Studies, Spanish and Portuguese Department, University of California, Davis, CA, October 26

2010                “Novelísticas de la violencia y la revolución: Jorge Ibargüengoitia y Gustavo Álvarez Gardeazabal.” 2010 XV Congress of Contemporary Mexican Literature, El Paso, TX, March 8-10


2017                “The Nostalgic Tradition of Development.” Shared Knowledge Conference, Albuquerque (NM). November 3-4.

2016                “Invited poster presentation.” VII Simpósio Internacional de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, Brasilia (Brazil). December 4-7


2019                “El lugar del medio: desarrollo y aspiración en la novelística de Osorio Lizarazo.” Invited lecture.Clases medias en Latinoamérica: subjetividades e historias. Mexico City, April 2-3

2019                “Medical Spanish and poetry.” Invited lecture. University of New Mexico, NM, March 08

2019                “Writing the Center: A Transnational Approach. Middle Class and agonistic aesthetics in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico.” Lecture delivered at the LAII PhD Fellows Colloquium. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. March 29 

2019                “Las novelísticas del lobo: Colombia la clase media global”. Lecture delivered at the World Languages Expo. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. March 2

2018                “A Transnational narrative of the Center: New Middle Classes in Latin America.” Invited lecture. University of New Mexico, NM, December 07

2018                “Fora do lugar, pertencendo: a formação da Classe C como repertorio do desenvolvimento”. Invited lecture. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. April 17

2017                “An unexpected, unusual space for literature.” Lecture delivered at the LAII Field Research Colloquium, University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. November 03

2017                “La violencia y el pueblo: colonos, herederos y cronistas de villa”. Invited Lecture. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. February 6

2016                “Clases medias emergentes y literatura en América Latina”. Invited Lecture. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. September 12

2015                “Arribistas, sinvergüenzas y lobos: clase media y literatura en Colombia”. Invited Lecture, Instituto Cervantes. Albuquerque, NM. August 21

2015                “Re/Defining Being Latino/a in the United States: A Roundtable with Edmundo Paz Soldán, Loida Maritza Pérez, and Diego J. Bustos.” Invited Lecture, University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. March 20

2014                “Invisible Cities, Possible Cities: Middle Class Subjectivity and Citizenship in Los Parientes de Ester.” invited lecture, “Generation of ‘72: Latin American Forced Global Citizens,” panel presentation, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. November 27

2013                “Desgracia y redención: una parábola sobre Sudáfrica.” Tres días con J.M. Coetzee, Universidad Central, Bogotá, April 16

2010                “Un pueblo en vilo.” Invited Lecture Primer Congreso de Ensayo y Crítica, Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua.  May 19

2005                “El Quijote: una sola y ubicua carcajada.” Invited Lecture. I Congreso cuatrocientos años del Quijote, National University of Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. June 13


2012                Presentation as editor of the third issue of Revista Coroto. Centro de Creación Literaria Javier Villaurrutia, Mexico City, Mexico, November 14

2012                Presentation as editor of the third issue of Revista Coroto. El Paso, TX, April 14

2011                Presentation as editor of the first issue of Revista Coroto, Medellín, Colombia, December 13


2014                Featured reader at Instituto Cervantes official 2014 opening ceremony, Instituto Cervantes, Albuquerque, NM, April 26

2013                Featured reader at the Resolanas series, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque,                         NM, August 30

2007                Featured reader at the Barbed Wire Reading, El Paso, TX, September 14


Latin American Studies Association (LASA), 2013-present

American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA), 2014-present

Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA), 2016-present

Modern Language Association (MLA), 2017-present

Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericna (IILI), 2017-present

Sigma Delta Pi Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica, 2016-present


Spanish: Native

English: Advanced reading, writing, speaking 

Portuguese: Advanced reading, writing, speaking